HUGNET, Georges. Complete set of 4 pamphlets, as follows:
[A] Non Vouloir, poem by G. Hugnet. Paris: [George Hugnet, 1940]. With 1 engraving after JOAN MIRO. 8 pp. One of 26 copies on verge antique de Montval, inscribed from the poet "A Cecile de tout Coeur Georges Hugnet."
[B ] Au"Depens des mots," poem by G. Hugnet. Paris: [Georges Hugnet], 1941. With 1 engraving
in gold after VALENTINE HUGO. 8 pp. (uncut). One of 226 copies, inscribed by the "A ma petite Cecile Joyeux Noel de tout Georges Hugnet."
[C ] Marcel Duchamp, poem by G. Hugnet. Paris: [Georges Hugnet], 1942. With 1 pochoir,
"Moustache and beard of L.H.O.O.Q," by MARCEL DUCHAMP. 8 pp. (partially cut). One of 226 copies. Schwarz 310
[D] Pablo Picasso, poem by G. Hugnet. With 6 zinographs, 3 reworked with engraving, by PABLO PICASSO. 8 pp. (uncut). One of 226 copies.Cramer 35.
These small pamphlets were privately printed by the poet as gifts to friends. They are almost impossible to find the complete set and in fine condition. Cecile was the daughter of Gala, Eluard's and later Dali's wife. The New York Public Library, Surrealist Books Prints (b, c and d); The Toledo Museum of Art, The Bareiss Collection (d only). The Museum of Modern Art.