Arnold, Johann. PKZ (man in top hat). 1927, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Barberis. PKZ [Man Tipping His Hat]. 1953, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Baumberger, Otto. PKZ Qualite [Suit draped on Chair]. 1921, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Baumberger, Otto. PKZ 1923, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2” The 20th Century Poster. Design of the Avant Garde Abbeville P.114 |

Baumberger, Otto. Regentrotz [Raincoat]. 1924, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Baumberger, Ottto. Die Vertrauensmarke [large label]. 1917, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Blaser. PKZ [Hand putting Rose into lapel of Suit]. 1936, Color lithograph , 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Carigiet, Alois. PKZ Fox. 1933, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Falk, Hans. PKZ Salesman. 1944, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2” |

Kretschmann, A. Ernst. PKZ [Man in Blue Suit]. 1924, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2”

Mahler, Heinrich. PKZ [Tailor's Dummy]. 1945, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2” |

Mahler, Heinrich. PKZ 75 Anni. 1956, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2” |

Mahler, Heinrich. Die Schweiz als Reiseland. 1942, Color lithograph, 50 1/2 x 35 1/2” |

Matter, Herbert. Bellhop. Poster for a readymade clothesshop, 1928 Zurich. Color lithograph, 50 x 36” History of the Poster p.86
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