EHRLICH, Christa. Austrian Art. Published Ca. March 1928. Introduction by Dr. G. Knuttel Wzn. Forty illustrations after paintings and drawings by Oskar Kokoschka, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Hans Boehler, Anton Faistauer, L.H Jungnickel, Max Oppenheimer, Ferdinand Kitt, Anton Kohlig, Robin C. Andersen, Paris Van Gutersloh, Maria Strauhs-Litarsk. Ceramic figures by Vally Wieselthier, Susan Singer-Schinnerl, Herta Bucher, M.Powolny, Mathilde Floegl, Franz van Zulow; glass work, chasing, etc. by Joseph Hoffman, Michael Powolny , and Christa Ehrlich. p.1-30 Text, p.31-32 advertisements. Cover: Lithograph after a Woodcut by Christa Ehrlich. Publication Versions: d ; D, Edition: Ca 1250 (d:1200, D:50) Price d: f 6,-;D: f 7,50. Illustrated D. Special characteristics: This number was published with a cover in the Austrian national colors on the occasion of the Austrian exhibition in the Netherlands. D appeared with the advertisements on pages 31-32. This number was also available with an inserted English text. Wendingen 1918-1932, A Journal For the Arts p. 182 PL. 8-9/10